Saturday 24 December 2011

If I cry, not because I love you
I'm vanishing you in my memory
please leave me here.
I want my peace...

Lets yesterday become history
write a new story for today
may us both be smile again
with the new beginning

No more hateful, revenge, dark...

-Distant dreamer...

JAWAPAN FOR Zarep aka jiwamonster inc ! hehe

1. Nama panggilan/manja korang?
    * Panggilan manja hallamak...malu ar cmni! TEMBAM. Tapi panggilan plg manis skali of course
       lah FARHANA...

2. Suka/ xsuka sports?nyatakan apa n kenapa.
     *Sports? Do I look like a sport girl? lol....Sports hate me zarith(-.-)

3. Suka/xsuka haiwan? nyatakan apa dan kenapa.
    *SUKAAAA! sbb layan haiwan boleh hilangkan stress, layan manusia bertambah stress!

4. Tempat yang korang suka dan kenapa.
     *Padang : sebab boleh baring sambil tengok langit....huargghhhh
     *Pantai : bole dgr bunyi ombak! suka suasana pantai...

5. Ok, cukup dengan soalan skema, sambungkan ayat ni, "kalau nak ambil hati saya, awak mesti........."
    * mesti borink! (0.0) ahahhhaha.eyh x! mesti sy buat tarian zapin atau kuda kepang! (mcm reti  
       plak en...)

6." Awww..mamat/awek tu hensemlah/cunlahh sebab..............."
     * sebab die jadi diri sendri....

7." Blog JiwaMonster nie........................"
      * sweet laa!

8.  Sambungkan pantun 2 kerat ini:
     Cantik si puteri, harumnya mawar,
     *Haruman mawar di dalam belukar
     *Adakah anda seekor ular ? (0.0) xd kne mgena en....

9. Aaron aziz: sudikah dikau menjadi permaisuri hati ku?
    korang: ..................................(nyatakan jawapan korang)
    *Eyh jap, menguap......sambung tido!

10." I wish i can go to.............................."
       * las vegas with you. woooot2!

11. Yes,last question! Penat x jawab soalan aku?hehehe...
       * Penat, mcm buat tanggathon....dah brape lame buat kajian???

11 rakan-rakan yang aku nak tag. Buat taw! 
     * yerrrr zarith

Ini cerita semester 6

I was soo busy! grrr langsung penat bila balek dr rumah sewa. student pilah makin ramai! bas pown dah mcm sardin. tiap hari pulak tu. penatttt teman tau???(cry out loud). berpijak di bumi yang nyata, jelaslah diri ini hanyalah hamba....(-.-) jadual kelas xpyh ckp lg laa ennn...hari jumaat 3 kelas mak noq.last semester....huuuu saborr nabbb. sem ni lecturer sume okaylah! harap2 marks for final pown bombastic la hendakny...agk sentimental sem ni...sesuatu telah mengetuk di jendela mata,hati, paru-paru dan etc..ntahlah! umur 20 tahun ni laen mcm pulak rasany...D...that's all! hmmm sem ni terlalu berat otak memikirkan sesuatu, masa depan...Ya Allah bantu aku tentang sesuatu....(Amin3x) ! pejam celik celik celik dah nak masuk mid semester break phiuhhh, akhirny dpt gak aku balek rumah, tapi xsemenany hati berasa xsnang berattt...semua sbb ARGHHHH! xnk ckp, harap aku akn atasi semua ni. come on farhana! u got EVERYTHING!

Saturday 12 November 2011

At last, The N9 is mine!!! ;)

Terlalu busy!


Ini cerita cuti semester before facing final sem! terlalu byk sgt rancangan yg diatur and of course I don't even have my own time to feel my own life.xdpt jumpe and lepak pown dengan kwn2 yg lain.A little time with family which I'm very thankful to Allah SWT sbb still merasa alive! Doing my job at the office, smbl buat kje smbl main game...stress and fun! Lepas final dpt rehat 2 hari j....Isnin terus kerja! perghhh no time to clear my head from all the sawang! still in busy day to day I feel excited nk tunggu cte twilight saga breaking dawn....owh2! Tp sygny keluar 24/11...dah balik pilah mase tue..haihhh nasib aku lah! ok tata...

Monday 12 September 2011

Kakak dan anak-anakny...

Inilah gambar pemilik ikan guppy....Dia mmg sgt2 (melampauwau) suka ikan guppy, beliau jadi pejaga, doktor dan mak bidan utk ikan2 yg dia belaaa.Pergi dkat tasik nie pown sbb die nk bagi ikan mkn j (0.0), aku pulak teman die sbb nk usha org dkat tasik.haha.x salah kn nk cuci mate? Back to the story, beliau nie mmg penyayang org ny~ (promote k? xla, aku ikhlas) ...So check it out gmbr lah yer ikan guppy yg dia bela  nie.Btw, die xd niat nk jual pown ikan2 nie just publish j nk bg korg sume tgk n ppuk smgt syg haiwan.tata! :)

and the end...(^_^)

Friday 26 August 2011

Sedekah lebih afdol kalau kita bg direct kepada penerimany...(^_^)

Derma atau sedekah amalan yang sangat mulia lebih-lebih lagi dalam bulan ramadan nie.Kalau niat yang betul dan hati yang ikhlas insyallah diberkati Allah SWT amalan yang kita lakukan...Kalau nak derma 5 sen k 10 sen k pown xpe asalkan ikhlas nk menderma.tapi yang xde hati nak derma tu xsalah cuba derma or sedekah sikit2 kn? bole tenangkan hati,bersihkan jiwa dan harta kita.Hati family aku tergerak nak singgah satu rumah nie yang terletak die betul2 simpang highway jalan nak ke kuala pilah.Tiap kali lalu jalan nie mesti kteorg akn tgk rumah ni.hati pown terniat la nak ziarah dan sedekah....ade satu hari tue kteorg ternampak atok yg kurus meliding laa.kesian betulll...duduk sorang2 kat rumah camni..dengan kecik, open space, panasny pilah nie, 
tepi highway pilah pulakk tue, camne laa die nk cari makan... nk beli makanan...dan akhirny dapat juga kteorg singgah dan melawat rumah atok nie...wlpn nmpk uzur tapi die still ingat dan petah bercakap.(xmcm nenek aku...nyanyok dah beliau 0.0), menurut atok nie, isteri die dah lame meninggal, die ade sorg ank pmpn tp dduk jauh dkat umur die xsempat plak nk tanye sebab rushing nak balek kami balek k kediaman dengan hati yg puas  sebab dpt jumpe atok kurus and sampaikan bekalan keperluan untuk die.Haa~ nie gmbr abah sy bersalam dengan atok tersebut, sy xbole la nk naik rumah die sbb takot roboh pulak dengan berat sy yang mewakili baby gajah ;p
Rumah atok nie bertampal mcm2, cantik jugak kn...kalau aku buat cmni kat bilik aku confirm mama mara :( urghhh xcool langsung kowt...

p/s: semoga atok dapat menjalani bulan ramadhan yang akan beransur pergi dengan hati yg tenang dan bergembira pada bulan syawal yang akan tiba xlame lg.kuih raye jgn lupe mkn yer atok :)

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Eating Fruit on an Empty please3~

  • Everyone could & should  share this vital information with other people :)

Please read Dr Stephen Mak's comment on cancer patients. This may be a repeat but does not hurt to be reminded one more time. 

Eating Fruit on an empty stomach 
Dr Stephen Mak treats terminal ill cancer patients by "un-orthodox" way and many patients recovered. He explains: before he is using solar energy to clear the illnesses of his patients. He believes on natural healing in the body against illnesses. See the article below.  Letter to original email writer:

Dear Shereen, 
Thanks for the email on fruits and juices. It is one of the strategies to heal cancer. As of late, my success rate in curing cancer is about 80%. Cancer patients shouldn't die. The cure for cancer is already found. It is whether you believe it or not. I am sorry for the hundreds of cancer patients who die under the conventional treatments. 
Thanks and God bless. 
Dr Stephen Mak 


We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It's not as easy as you think. It's important to know how and when to eat. What is the correct way of eating fruits?

 If you eat fruit like that, it will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.

FRUIT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD.  Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so.  In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil....  So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals!

You have heard people complaining — every time I eat watermelon I burp, when I eat durian my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel like running to the toilet, etc — actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat!  Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes all these will NOT happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach. There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon are acidic, because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter. If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight. 

When you need to drink fruit juice - drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans. Don't even drink juice that has been heated up. Don't eat cooked fruits because you don't get the nutrients at all. You only get to taste. Cooking destroys all the vitamins.  But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it. You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look!

KIWI: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E & fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

APPLE: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low vitamin C content, it has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack & stroke.

STRAWBERRY: Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits & protect the body from cancer-causing, blood vessel-clogging free radicals.

ORANGE : Sweetest medicine. Taking 2-4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessens the risk of colon cancer.

WATERMELON: Coolest thirst quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione, which helps boost our immune system. They are also a key source of lycopene — the cancer fighting oxidant. Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C & Potassium.

GUAVA & PAPAYA: Top awards for vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high vitamin C content.. Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene; this is good for your eyes.

Drinking Cold water after a meal = Cancer! Can u believe this?? For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks HEART ATTACK PROCEDURE': (THIS IS NOT A JOKE!) Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. Sixty percent of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive. 

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.

P/S: Thank to her for sharing this info ;)  Ezanin Johanna Elias 

Sunday 14 August 2011

Dream are only in my sleep, reality was in my life, it's painful.

Friday 5 August 2011

Desiran hati

Dalam hati bergeming sesuatu
seperti aku menghela nafasku
cinta ini sulit ditafsirkan
hingga air syurga mungkin tak akan merasa

Ku takut kecemburuanmu
namun hatiku tak kuasa menolak
dan tak sanggupku pendam semua
titisan rasa yang telah kau berikan...

ku bermohon engkau
jadi pendampingku untuk selamany
hayat dan mautku, wahyukan padaku
butir-butir cinta, padanya atasku...

-butir-butir cinta by anggie...

"Ramadhan datang dan aku tersenyum lagi kerana ini bulan ketenangan yang suci jangan ada yang ternoda putihnya..."- by farhanaNailah Shaharudin.

Thursday 4 August 2011

(gambar hiasan)

dan lalu....
Angin  berbunyi di celah pepohon kelapa
memukul sesama sendiri bermain gurauan
membawa berita dari khabar yang jauh
sambil menyanyi berbisik apa
betapa indahnya jika ku tahu juga isinya

Terang benderang terang cuaca
Bersulam-sulam awan melindungi langit
hati ku girang tambah bahagia 
lalu senyum senang
seperti ada yang mengusik hati kosong...

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Kau nk bini cantik? pandai msak? rajin? mariii kau dtg sini..(^.^)

(gmbr hiasan yg ade kaitan skit...sape nk mak dara?)

itulah kata lelaki yg sering aku lihat dan dengar.Nape nk cari bini camni yerr??? katany sedang hidup.Banyak cantik muka kau! nak j aku humban lelaki species nie dlm longkang tau.Bile kau da dpt bini yg kau impi kn," ambik kain abg!, sediakn mkanan cpat, rumah dah kemas , baju dah basuh, kain dah lipat, ank dah bg makan" huiii menyirap aku dengar noq~ ingat bini kau bibik k bang? lagi time bini kau tengah busy uruskn hal lain, kdang2 xpla kalo nk suro, nie tiap hari pulak...xtau bini awk tue penat k sihat k sempot k....haihhhh.Kan bagus kalo cik abg kte yg nak BINI cantik, pandai masak, rajin n etc (sempurna nak mam) tlg bini die buat kje k...suro bini msak kn..pergi la pasar beli brg, siap kn brang msak same2 ngn bini sambil tue bole blaja masak skali kn, tlg lipat kain same2, hidai baju same2 kn sweet gitu....Teringat pulak abah...Haihhh untong kalo dpt lelaki yg mcm abah, pandai masak, berdikari, xbyk songel, ske tlg mama buat kje (wlpn taula kn cara lelaki buat kje) -.-, ape nk jadi lelaki yg mempunyai impian sempurna nie??? Ingat2 la cik abg oi, bertimbang rasa la skit, jgn nak bermaharajalela di hati nk kn yg SEMPURNA...awk tu pown ade cacat celany...tahu? dan aku sendri xmengharapkan org mcm nie dlm hidup aku akn dtg (mintak simpang la oiii).nak kawen k? ececeyyyy ;)

Sunday 31 July 2011


No bad la taste ny....roti sgt lembut but xsame dgn roti pizza sbnr (3 bintang) .For those yg ttibe teringin nk mkn pizza dkat pilah bole la cube! regular dlm rm 13.00.
We Meet Again For A Dream...

Could you wait for me here?
So we can spend for a day together...
knowing each other for something last forever
Eyes meet mine, Heart meet yours...

Saturday 30 July 2011

Meyh2! dengar lagu nie....

Lirik Lagu Lambat Layu – Gabba Gabba

Lihatlah awan bergerak laju
Lihatlah matahari tenggelam timbul

Masa tak masa tak menunggu
Masa tak masa tak menunggu
Masa tak masa tak menunggu
Masa tak menunggu
Masa tak masa tak menunggu
Masa tak masa tak menunggu
Masa tak masa tak menunggu
Masa tak menunggu
Pastikan semua bergerak laju
Janganlah tunggu-tunggu
Lambat layu
Masa tak masa tak menunggu
Masa tak masa tak menunggu
Masa tak masa tak menunggu
Masa tak menunggu
Masa tak masa tak menunggu
Masa tak masa tak menunggu
Masa tak masa tak menunggu
Masa tak menunggu
Lambat layu

Thursday 28 July 2011

Sebelum tido sy mesti....

 kene senyum dgn ikhlas kan? :)

fikir perkara yg menenangkn hati....

baca doa 

tarik selimut

pejam mata (-.-) zzzzzz~

kunci jam

terkebil-kebil dlm gelap

flash back memories

peluk bantal

dgr lullaby or lagu

pupur muka (kalo rajin)


kacau org

lg? sy xingat laa~

Dia, satu-satu ny lelaki yg sy ada sekarang...

Semalam aku dilanda kekosongan yg amat sgt, merindukan yg jauh, xlain xbukan, family , especially abah.Ssh betul nk focus nieh, mcm nak menangis j rase.tgk jam kt tgn, pukul 6.30.So aku xberlengah masa call iqa (older sister). tny la kaba dorg dkat sane mcm mane n then ttibe aku emo plak....said " aku ssh la nk focus (dengan suara bergetar) aku hrap dorg xperasan la kn..."aku dah baca byk kali tp xley masuk" maybe bkak loudspeaker kowt mase tue, mama n abah dgr jgak laa agkny...Then aku dgr suara abah "baca la pelahan-lahan" itu la nasihat beliau..berhenti kjap nafas aku tahan nangis, seb baek bole control lg...mama ckp " kau nape nana? kau da nk kawen" (spoil betul la mama nie, aku belum terase nk b'laki sgt pown, xingin2)...iqa cakap "kau nie mesti ade mslh kn?" (nk dkat 5 kali die ulang ayt tue...) aku pown xfhm kenape...Aku xd dunia lain-selain drpd dorg...Dduk kt pilah nie pown sbb nk habis kn study j, aku x smbg nk g degree sbb aku fkir parent aku pown da b'usia kn...hmmmm so aku kne la blaja skit selok belok business dorg, aku xbersedia pape pown sbnr, dan xplan pape pown.Aku harap Allah bantu aku.Bukan xnk smbg blaja tp hati aku dah tawar nk blaja.kepale otak aku pown da mcm tepu j...DAN yg paling penting aku xboleh nk jauh dr family aku lebih dr 2 minggu, bole buat penyakit sasau kowt.Lantak lah kalau org nk ckp pampered k...Sbb aku tau asl usul aku..nk cr laki mmg xla. tgk skrg pown sume mcm xbole hrp.(ade k ptt ckp cmni?apela aku nie).Ape yg penting aku nk dkat dgn abh, aku mmg xbole laa, seriously xbole, lepas atok belah mama meninggal, aku agk hilang arah kejap.kalah org ptus cinta kowt.Aku xsalah kn takdir dgn ketentuan yg t'jadi, mungkin aku perlu kn masa nk terima kehilangan, pernah merasa kehilangan? byk xla sedashyat ni...

Aku belum bersedia nk terima kehilangan yg besar lg.Flash back mase abh accident (Fyi, abah accident motor dah lebih 5x, tp bile drive car die belum pnah accident lg,mintak jauh la die dr bala), Alhamdulillah umur abah masih pjg...(Amin3).Dkat 2 minggu aku xbalek sbb byk sgt asgmnt mase sem 4, dgn Law lagi, masyallah....Minggu yg aku nk balek umah tue aku rasa sgt ssh hati tanpa sbb, parent n kakak pown jrang call, hati aku xtenang gle rase mcm nk menjerit j.aku call mama tny die sihat k x.then aku ckp semua ok k...die ckp ok...then borak2 cm hati aku still kacau lg...then, aku call iqa tny ok k x? aku ckp kau ade pape sembunyi kn dr aku k?aku ckpsemua ok j kn.die pown jwb bnd yg sama, then aku tny aku call abh nape die xangkt, iqa ckp minggu nie busy skit...end call.Masa dlm bas nak balek k rumah sewa ttibe mata aku berair...ape kene la ngn aku nie.balek cm biasa aku on9.Ttibe mira kwn skola btho aku chat kt fb...

mira: kau ok k?
aku: aku okay, sihat j kenape?
mira: kau xdgr pape cte k?
aku: xd plak, nape?
mira: mak n ayh kau ok x?
aku: ok j , nape? aku xd dgr pape pown.
mira: owh ok, xpla kalo cmtu
aku: kenape weyy? gtau jla aku (jantung mcm nk meletup j mase tue)
mira: (senyap) offline.

masa tue jgak aku call mama, xd jwb, call abh xjwb, call iqa x jwb, aku rase mcm nk gile j.nk menjerit nk menangis! aku ade test law  mase tue. then esokny mama call aku, aku tny die sume ok k? abh? iqa? mama ckp ok j xd pape.aku still xpuas hati...byk kali aku call die tny bnd yg same, die sekerasny ckp semua ok.aku pown mls nk gado aku trime jla jwpn die tp dlm hati aku ttp kate x!!!!! then hari khamis tu mama call kate pak cik belah ayh aku jempot aku balek rumah, sbb ade kenduri. SUMPAHHH!!! ini sgt memusykilkan...aku br habis test law mase tue, wlpn pnat mcm nk t'golek j ats jalan oleh sbb aku nk balek rumah, aku kuat kn la diri aku.Tdo 2-3 j mase tue sbb nk study.... lpas siap packing barang pak cik aku pown smpi...aku tgk die ok aku try sdap kn hati aku, maybe betul ckp mama kowt. 2jam lebih p'jlanan akhirny smpi la kt rumah....Then ttibe iqa jemput aku n nani masuk dalam, mata die agk berair lah mase tue, aku ckp ade kenduri ape nie??!!! die kate kenduri doa selamat...then die ckp kau jgn terkejut tau...aku tny abh mane??die bwak la aku masuk dlm rumah...rmai kowt mase tue...sedare belah abh n jiran rumah lame n baru berkumpul...then aku terpandang dkat kerusi ruang tamu abh tgh dduk..........

Abah jgn tinggalkan sy, bkn skrg abh....

Masa tue aku rase mcm nk pengsan j dgn keadaan yg teramat penat, abah luke dkat tangan, muke, dengan kaki die berbalut...kepale die bengkak....aku kata dlm hati, Ya Allah kuat kn la smgt aku.aku tgk j muke mama dgn pandangan yg SANGAT BERAT DAN PENAT.aku dah agk benda nie...cuma aku xtau keadaan die seteruk nie...aku ckp kt akak aku, BAGUS mcm nie kau buat kat aku.Aku dah xbole fkir ape lg, aku terus keluar rumah aku jln sorg2 smbil menangis....aku menangis sepuas hati.aku dduk kt tman sorg2 , hati saket, bdan saket, jiwa saket........aku pernah hdapi semua ni...aku pnah jge abh mase accident aku xtipu akak aku, aku xtipu keadaan kali nie aku ditipu...aku jenis xbole nk terima penipu, aku serik dgn kenangan penipu.aku dduk kt buaian smbl pandang langit.aku rasa jiwa aku sgt aku tipu aku...then akak aku call die tny aku dkat mane...abah cr aku.hmmm agk lame aku gado ngn die then aku masuk dlm umah dgn rasa sakit hati, selesai baca doa, aku xtoleh kt sesape pown aku trus naik atas.aku call kwn aku n terus keluar! aku sendri pown xtau p yg aku buat...aku suro kwn aku stay kt umah so die pown ambik la bj die...aku rase sesak gle dduk serumah dgn penipu , lg2 family sendri.aku xtau keadaan sbnr abh mcm mane.nk tny tp terlalu rmai org dgn emosi aku xstabil , bile2 masa j aku bole naik hangin lebih2 lg kat mama n iqa..aku xbole nk tk muke dorg...tgk abah lagi aku xsggp!!!!! hari minggu tue bg tamparan yg sgt besar....aku gadoh dgn mama, dengan iqa lepas tue aku menangis dan menagis lagi....aku lgsg xtgk abh.aku XBOLEH nk tgk die keadaan cmtu, smpi nnek pown sound sbb xpuas hati ngn aku...sbb aku mmg ank ksygn abh, lepas tue aku rpt ngn abh bile abh accident aku buat prangai cmni....dorg xfhm keadaan aku...xpla, xlebih 2 jam mesti aku nangis, aku pown xtau la rupe aku mcm mane mase tue....

aku ssh nk terima keadaan nie, keadaan PENIPU.urghhhh Tuhan lembutkan la hati aku yg hitam nie...hari ahd tue br la aku bole rapat ngn abh...aku t'pkse buat mcm xd pape dgn iqa n mama dpan abh sbb aku xnk abh tau aku pown sbnr SAKET mcm die...abh ckp " abh da xgune lg" (aduhai~ jgn la mcm tue abh) kaki abh saket xbole nk jln, kpale abh bengkak ade cedere otak skit, bahu abh retak...abah da xbole nk buat ape2 lg (abh ulang byk kali)...aku cuba kumpul smangat aku yg meruntuh..aku ckp " ala, xpe nnti elok la tue, abh mkn ubat n pegi rawatan mesti elok...ptg tue aku kne balek pilah, kemas2 brg aku dgn hati yg dah xbentuk hati....lunyai~ sedare belah mama, n mama ikut hantar sekali, aku salam abh n aku ckp kt iqa "jgn bg sesiape pown saket kn abh, kalo x aku balek rumah, tgk la p jd kt korg nnti" aku terus masuk dlm kete n then aku tgk abah pkai tongkat dgn kne papah cuba berdiri dkat depan pintu rumah...dan aku menangis lg...aku xbole tgk die keadaan mcm tu, SANGAT XBOLEH....spjg perjalanan balek pilah aku menangis.aku xtau bila penghujung sedih...hati aku penuh dendam yg menyedihkan...lepas smpi dkat pilah aku pesan dkat mama "mama jgn pernah nk tipu lg, nana bkn bdak kcik" sekeras batu hati aku, then aku salam dia....Alhamdulillah skrg abh makin pulih tapi agk lmbt skit nk berckp sbb kecederaan otak mybe ambik mase lame nk elok,kaki die da bole jln cuma agk pincang skit tp bahu die da ok..aku xkan lupa cerita sbnrny...Ape pun skrg yg aku buat nie semua untuk abah...

(maaf kalau ada typo, mls nk edit :p)

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Did your parent teach a manner?

I put my newspaper on the table to set a place for my sit and left to take my heavy stone bag, suddenly 3 girls appeared  from what on earth is going on, placed their ASS on the table without guilty with damn it mind said wtshit?

Antara gmbr favorite sy..and the nominees are...

 one of my fav pose infront of the lappy

 Heyyy, hmmm sounds good to me!

I'm robert pattinson :p 

 smushy poo & googly bear

 Don't touch me! I'll tell my mom

 It's hard to wake up

 dream dream dream

what are you?

This is heaven

Wake up call? get out!

So I let the blanket hug me
To cure the loneliness night
Wondering what could have happen
All the possibility that appear dimly

I was gasping in my own life
Finding what's more than less
Bring the other part or completeness
Was that worth for me?....

Guess I will find the answer
If we put us as together
But, would you like too?
I never knew...

The future didn't  speak
Ever! what a pity heart of mine
And till the death calling me
I'm gonna say a secret goodbye to you...

p/s: clearly everything was not mine

Stress? jom tgk nie....

A girl with a dream for the unknown future...

Tuesday 19 July 2011

If only I could....then I would.....never! nahhh....will ever knew...

Monday 18 July 2011

Aku rindu dengan alamanda, suasana bandar, bising, bangunan, habuk, mid valley, cik bedah, nasi ayam umi dan byk lagi lah! teringat abg maitenance yg ade taik lalat kt mata tue, gatal doww kau~ xske ambo! (bhase sesat), alamanda tue sbnrny umpama boyfriend bg aku.Bile sedih, tengah mlm aku berdiri dkat beranda, meresap gle rase angin bndr dlm diri aku, smpi tegak la bulu roma , suddenly air mata aku jatuh...lagi2 time tue hujan pulak...duduk dkat sini best, matahari pown jrg kene, puteh melepak aku dok sane tau, xd pown sunburn cm dok kt pilah nieyyhhhh (suara dendam)!tapi takdir siapelah dpt menghalangny...hanya takdir menentukan ia, owh belaian jiwa~

tgk??? kwn pown syg bile muke putih berseri dan slim kn? 2 ekor nie la yg rapat ngn aku mase kt alamanda.xbyk krenah dorg nie, senang j nk bela.haha.kalo korg bace nie (buat2 xnmpk p yg aku tulis nie sudah).dorg nie la yg kenal kn aku sunway tue ape, mid tu minatang ape.kesian aku, ank jati kL, tapi hram jadah xtau ape yg ade dkat kL nie.parent aku over protective la, syg ank la dikatekn, anyway, thanx mama n abh, sy fhm perasaan mereka.sape xsyg ank oi~ lg yg sweet cm aku kn.Ya amponnnn!!! Mase nie dorg d wat persembahan menari ulik mayang x slah aku tp aku xjoin, yla badan keras mcm kayu.nak menari nnti nmpk lak mcm tiang goyang2.pecah perot org tgk (-.-), lg pown aku nie pemalu n xganas la kalo pmpn menari...(menutup kelemahan diri).Dorg nie suke buli aku tau? teringat tudung yg jiha n nia pakai kn tok aku.baju aku warne merah tdung plak biru n hijau.dah mcm minah bangla da aku tgk...pape pown korg mmg t'baek lah! ;)

Hah! nie la uitm kuala pilah! kecik kn? nie plak pelajar die.hahhahhahha! mampos kne saman aku nnti. haaa~ nie la suasana pilah yg tercinta, kambing, lembu n biri2 mmg suke tmpt nie.taik dorg memang merata2 aku layan gakla tmpt nie.tiap kali dok dlm bas smbl dgr lgu sinar.mmg layan la~ I follow...haha lg2 bile terbau taik lembu.perghhh meresap dalam jiwe rage! aku suke tgk kambing biri2 kt sini.comel wlpn comot.terasa cm nk bela plak kt umah sewa aku.tapi sape nk hadiah kn tok aku? ylaa....sape la kite nie kn...dala buruk, huduh n buduh plak tue....... (jauh hati)

skrg da xbole tunjuk muke sgt, sbb aku dah jd shreck! bdn pown nk mcm tong drum a.k.a sedare dgn tong sampah.nie gmbr sem 3 xsalah aku la kan.dgn ank tiri aku name beliau farra. mmg superb la die nie.suare pown sodap n sexxxeeyyyy.kalo die nyanyi lgu percayalah....t'golek2 aku dgr.mmg xdpt nk bgn lgsg laa.urat sendi,tulang tengkorak,kepale lutut,saraf sume automatic xberfungsi.sjak dok pilah nie ank tiri aku makin bertambah.raseny skrg dah ade 4 org da. tp sehinggi kini aku berjaya jd mak mithali.anak2 aku pown baek2 blake pragainy...adoi byk plak kne gigit nyamuk  nieh..raseny die benci aku menceceh kowt.sabo la kjap encik nyamok oi~ pilah nie bole la tahan.pekan pown taraf koboi j.pasar mlm pown okeyyy.aku suke soya suam dkat sini, mkanan kampung mmg sdap kalau msak sendiri, masakan kt kdai kurang sedaplah kt sini, byk plak songeh aku kn? tp still bole survive idop kt sini.cuma agk penat la ulang alik dr tmpt blaja n rumah sewa.but everything is under control, for now, later idk :)